Neapolitan Mastiff Standard
IT CH Perla Dello Stradone
IT CH Timur Dello Stradone Vesuviano

Dello Stradone Vesuviano
Breeder: Vincenzo Manna with 2 great examples of his kennel of the late 1990's early 2000's. Left Vincenzo with the famous IT CH Rudy Dello Stradone, right IT CH Leone Dello Stradone.

IT CH Fiamma Del Gheno

Artu Del Gheno

Zeus Del Gheno

Ernie Del Gheno

Allevamento Del Gheno
Breeder Allevamento Del Gheno- Famous for many Mastinos and there extreme head type. Here are 2 examples of dogs that made them famous left Dracula Del Gheno and right Ernie Del Gheno.

Artifice Del Bengasche

Antico Del Bengasche

Ritorno Del Bengasche

Bandito Del Bengasche

Mastinos Del Bengasche
Breeder Uberto Bengasche: 2 examples left Nihal Del Bengasche right Antico Del Bengasche.
These were 2 great examples of the breed of the 1990's

Fruit D Amour Doppio

Fruit D Amour Fortunato

CH Fruit D Amour Krateros
Fruit D Amour Zorba

Fruit D' Amour
Breeders: Atilla and Andrea Spiriev. The very first non Italian kennel to produce an Italian Champion. One of The kennels that got me into the breed personally. Left is Fruit D' Amour Doppio and right the Famous Fruit D' Amour Fortunato who had a significant influence on the breed in America thanks to Dr Sharlyn Allen and Garry & Lynn Travers.

Azim Di Fondo Anfossi

Famoso Di Fondo Anfossi

Bad Di Fondo Anfossi

Caos Di Fondo Anfossi

Di Fondo Anfossi
Carlo Nicoletti- A well known and respected breeder not as large as some of the others but very well known with a heavy influense as well in many modern breeders as well as here in America

Finalmente De Vitale
Ogan De Vitale

Sansone De Vitale

Wilma De Vitale

Penelope and Nikita De Vitale

Anita De Vitale

Alevamento Patrizio Italia
Patrizio Vitale, Breeder- Well known in the breed and for owning The Great World Champion Carnera della Grotta Azzurra. One of the few kennels that have direct blodlines to him
BullyBadAss Featured video on The Neapolitan Mastiff featuring Old World Mastinos

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The Origin is disputed but here is a statue of the Molossus of Mesopotamia 3100 BC. which is the ancestor to the Mastino
You be the judge but if so, this is where it began.

Ancient Mesopotamia 3100 BC A Statue was found depicting proof of A very large Mollossus dog with a square head and muzzle, dewlap, large massive body with a deep chest and folds of skin, large thick bones and amputated ears.
It is said that Sumerians, as they travelled owned and bred very large, massive dogs that would guard and protect the people, children and livestock from enemies and other predators including lions. This would have took such a massive dog as depicted in the two statues. These traits are the similar to the modern Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino) of today.
Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) had large Molosser-Type dogs that were used for guarding in the same manner and who were used for trade especially with the people of Rome.
Romans also used these large dogs to guard and protect but some were used for entertainment in the Coloseum to battle slaves, criminals, Gladiators and sometimes Lions. They were also used throughout Rome to protect and guard livestock, people, villas and vinyards as they still do today.
After the fall of Rome these dogs were spread out throughout Europe and evolved taking on other names etc. The Molosser type dogs that remained around what was once ancient Rome in the Vesuvius region became guard dogs as before and some smaller more athletic dogs were used for hunting and this is believed was the time where The Mastinos of today and the Cane Corso split.
39AD Latin author Columella wrote in De Re Rustica about the Roma Mastiff/ Mastino/ Neapolitan Mastiff.
He wrote that they were dark guardians of homes that couldn't be seen at night.
The breed was a treasured and useful dog of the Italians so all dogs of it's kind and of similar type and temperament were bred together and refined and finally after World War 2 after the first exibition in Naples 1946 in 1948 A standard was written. The standard was codified by Dr. Piero Scanziani in 1948. Recognized by the FCI in 1949 and was now officially recognized by the World.
The Standard was rewritten in 1979 and is the official standard of even today.
In 2002 a Standard was finally adopted and recognized by the AKC.
This majestic, massive guardian of people and property is alive and well thanks to some great breeders of the past. below is some photos of some of the greatest past dogs ever and there breeders. Of coarse there are too many to name so if some are left out, my sincerest apologies and my thanks to you and what they did for the breed.

Mesopotamian Molossus
3200 BC
Both are statues of the very first Molossus or early Molosser dogs 3200 BC. Both are very substantial. Large robust, deep chested bodies, large skeletal structure, large squeare heads and muzzles with ample skin, doolaps and amputated ears.

Above are 2 examples of inferior cross breeds that were found to start the program for the recreation of the Neapolitan Mastiff. As you can see below the great work by Scanziani by taking these above crosses and through years of work and selection was able to eventually produce the the desired look of what the ultimate goal was to be. See examples below of what he was able to accomplish. Similar to the breed standard is today. A much more massive, larger boned typier dog.

Allevamento Di Scanziani
Breeder Dr Piero Scanziani- One of the very first documented breeders of the early Neapolitan Mastiffs 1946-1960's. Left is Dr Piero Scanziani and on the right is Guaglione Di Scanziani. After being the collapse of the Roman empire and being scattered and outcrossed with other breeds here is where they began the recreation of the early Molossors that once roamed the earth and were used for guardians.

Toscano Di Ponzano

Rosco di Ponzano

Coligola Di Ponzano

Zero Di Ponzano

Allevamento Di Ponzano
Breeder Mario Querci- Mastinos Di Ponzano. One of the most well known and well respected breeders of the 1970's through the late 1980's. On the left is Toscan Di Ponzano and right IT CH Coligola Di Ponzano.

IT & World CH Carnera Della Grotta Azzurra

IT CH Sara Della Grotta Azzura

Taison Della Grotta Azzurra
(Taison Black)

Venere Della Grotta Azzurra

Della Grotta Azzurra
Breeder Pepino Siano
-One of the most prolific breeders from the late 1980's through 2000. Breeder of One of the greatest Mastinos of all time left World and IT CH Carnera Della Grotta Azzurra and right CH Sara Della Grotta Azzurra.
IT CH Taison Della Grotta Azzurra
Litter brother to
World CH Carnera Della Grotta Azzurra
Cleapatra Della Grotta Azzurra

CH Vanguard Alana Vanguards Ariana
1970's to present
Vanguard Mastinos on the left Breeder: Gonnie Shaffer on left
He is one of the oldest and most experienced breeders in America and great friend of mine. He has made significant contributions to the breed. On the left is Honorable Champion Vanguards Alana.

IT & World CH Brigante Del Castellaccio

Nemo Del Castellaccio

Achille Del Castellaccio

Bosco Del Castellaccio

Rocco Del Castellaccio

Barone Del Castellaccio
Del Castellaccio

Breeder Salvatore Scherma. One of the greatest breeders in recent history who produced none other than arguable the greatest Mastino in the history of the breed. World and IT CH Brigante Del Castellaccio

IT CH Rudy Dello Stradone
IT CH Leone Dello Stradone Vesuviano

Lion Dello Stradone Vesuviano

IT CH Marco Dello Stradone Vesuviano

History of Neapolitan Mastiffs

IT CH Fiamma Del Gheno
Zeus Del Gheno
Artu Del Gheno
Ernie Del Gheno

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